Search LawHelpNY for legal information and free legal aid where you live. Scroll down for tips on how to search this website.  

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There are three sections on the site where you can search for the information you need:

  • Get Legal Info:  Includes Know Your Legal Rights information, self-help materials, and interactive interviews that help you prepare papers for court and fair hearings. You can print out these resources.
  • Find a Lawyer: Lists all the free legal aid offices and programs near that might be able to offer you free legal help. Enter your county or zipcode, then click on the category of law and type of legal problem you have. 
  • Talk to someone: Go to our hotlines page or go to LiveHelp for an online chat with a volunteer, to connect you to helpful legal information.

LawHelpNY does not provide legal advice. You can get legal advice from a lawyer.

It depends. Some organizations serve special populations such as seniors, people who are HIV positive, or people experiencing domestic violence, even if their income is more than the guidelines. Some organizations consider your expenses such as childcare, medical bills and debts. Contact the office to find out if they can serve you. 

If you are not eligible for free or low-cost services because your income is too high, try the New York City Bar's Legal Referral Service. Outside New York City, try the New York State Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service .

Not everyone can get or afford a lawyer. If you have a legal problem, here's how to help yourself:

  1. Read all the paperwork and notices. These can be hard to understand. Look for tips on how to respond or who to contact for help.
  2. Don't miss deadlines or court dates. If you do nothing, you might automatically lose your case.
  3. Use this site to research your problem. Check nonprofit, court, and government websites for information too. 
  4. Use the hotlines, help centers, court clerks and others to ask for help to understand your case.
  5. If you have a case in court, tell the judge if you don't understand what to do. (Don't be intimidated. The courts are supposed to work FOR the people!)
  6. Don't sign papers that you don't understand.