Localidades Atendidas

Dutchess County

Quiénes Somos

The Dutchess County Division of Aging Services funds a Legal Services for the Elderly Program designed to provide free legal advice, and in some cases, representation, to Dutchess County residents age 60 and over. The program has no financial eligibility requirement; however, it is intended for those seniors who would otherwise be unable to afford legal assistance. Because the staff attorney on this program is part-time, the primary focus of legal advice and representation is generally on immediate threats to income, shelter, patients rights, and health matters, including advance directives. Clients are assisted in areas such as Medicaid and Medicare eligibility and termination; consumer issues and property rights. Help is also available for evictions, access to public assistance and Social Security, and access to SSI. Preperation of simple wills is also available.

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Última revisión: February 24, 2018