Localidades Atendidas

Fulton County

Quiénes Somos

The Fulton County Office for the Aging provides information about the many community services and benefits available to senior citizens. The Office for Aging offers counseling for the completion and problems with supplemental insurance, Medicare claims or bills, doctor's bills, and problems with insurance companies regarding the payment of bills. Office for the Aging case managers assist seniors with problems such as housing, protection, consumer issues, need for home care, adult or nursing home placement, securing benefits such as Medicaid, SSI, food stamps and supplemental insurance.

The Fulton County Office for Aging provides county residents ages 60 and older with free legal advice and representation pertaining to, but not limited to: Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Landlord/Tenant Relations, Consumer Complaints, Hospital Patient Rights, Adult and Nursing Home Residents Rights, Other Entitlements and Benefits, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, and Living Wills. Legal Services are not available to cover wills, criminal cases, negligence actions or other cases for which a private attorney may be obtained on a contingency basis.

How to Get Help

Please call (518) 736-5650. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is an answering machine for off hours.

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Última revisión: November 25, 2020