Localidades Atendidas
Quiénes Somos
The goal of the Greene County Department for the Aging is to ensure a network of supportive services to assist the County's senior residents to maintain their dignity and independence within their communities. Services are provided to Greene County residents who are 60 years of age.
At the Department for the Aging's main office in Catskill, we provide such direct services as information and assistance, legal services, caregiver support, energy assistance, entitlement counseling, transportation and the operation of volunteer programs.
Additional supportive services include transportation to medical appointments and the Long Term Ombudsman Program. Such long term care services as case management, homemaker/personal care services, home delivered meals, respite services, senior companions and personal emergency response systems provide necessary support to frail home-bound older persons.
Over 130 seniors per day enjoy a noon-time dinner at the five senior service centers at which various social, health, recreational and educational activities are scheduled each month.
How to Get Help
Please call (518) 719-3555 during our regular business hours, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Última revisión: November 25, 2020