Localidades Atendidas

Genesee County Livingston County Monroe County Ontario County Orleans County Wayne County

Quiénes Somos

The Legal Aid Society of Rochester (LASROC) provides direct legal representation, advocacy, legal advice, and educational clinics to low and moderate-income individuals, families, and youth in crisis to ensure that their basic needs are met.

Services are available in Monroe and surrounding counties. LASROC provides immigration legal services in 47 upstate NY counties.

A team of LASROC attorneys and advocates specialize in providing representation, advice, and advocacy to victims of domestic violence in obtaining and enforcing orders of protection, custody, divorce, eviction, foreclosure prevention, and immigration issues.

Representation is also provided to obtain, stabilize, or increase subsistence income through child support, maintenance (alimony), health insurance, credit repair/relief, and avoiding the inappropriate collection of rent or judgments. Educational advocacy is provided to youth to ensure they have access to education and necessary learning support.

How to Get Help

For inquiries or to apply for service, call 585-232-4090 or apply online at www.lasroc.org/contact-us

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Última revisión: October 12, 2023