Most of the hotlines listed provide help in English and Spanish. All of these hotlines are free and confidential. Choose a legal topic:
- City Bar Justice Center Legal Hotline: Brief services, civil law legal advice available Monday through Friday, 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm. Call 1-212-626-7383 (low-income NYC residents only).
- Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo:For low income residents of Erie and Niagara counties needing civil law legal advice and information. 1-716-853-9555.
- Central New York Legal Helpline: Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York offers free legal advice about civil (non-criminal) legal problems. You must live in or have a legal problem in Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego and Otsego counties. Toll Free: 1-877-777-6152.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- Family Legal Care:Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, 1-212-343-1122 (Statewide).
- New York State Child Support Helpline: 1-888-208-4485New York State Central Register for Child Abuse and Maltreatment:Their Child Abuse Hotline number is: 1-800-342-3720
- National Child AbuseHotline:Information about where to file and how to make a report. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 1-800-422-4453
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- National Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
- National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866 331-9474 and 1-866 331-8453 TTY.
- New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence: 1-800-942-6906.
- Safe Horizon’s Crime Victims Hotline: 1-866-689-HELP (4357).
- Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-621-HOPE (4673).
- Safe Horizon’s Rape, Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-212-227-3000 (NYC only).
- NYC Anti-Violence Project(specifically for the LGBTQ Community): 1-212-714-1141 (NYC only).
- Battered Women's Legal Hotline: 1-718-624-7700.
- The Family Violence Hotline of the Jewish Board of Family and Children Services Crisis - Intervention, counseling, residential services (shelter): Hotline: 1-718-237-1337.
- Center Against Domestic Violence, Women's Survival Space, Women's Second Start: Free services in Spanish, Haitian Creole, Polish and French. Community education/training, domestic violence and shelter/housing assistance. 25 Chapel Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. 1-718-439-1000.
- Good Shepherd Services, Safe Homes Project:Short-term shelter, counseling, advocacy, support groups for dv victims and children, Park Slope, Brooklyn. English, Spanish, Arabic. 24 -hour-hotline : 1-718-499-2151.
- My Sister's Place Crisis Hotline: For victims of domestic violence. Available 24 hours a day: 1-800-298- SAFE (7233).
- Urban Justice Center Domestic Violence Hotline and Intake: Crisis counseling, clinical and legal, Monday through Friday from 9 to 5. Hotline: 1-718-875-5062.
- Dominican Women’s Development Center(DWDC): 24-hour hotline: 1-212-568-6616.
- New York Asian Women's Center:Services tailored to Asian women's cultural, social, economic, and legal circumstances. Multilingual Hotline: 1-888-888-7702 available 24/7.
- Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence - 24-hour hotline: 1-631-666-8833.
- NewYork State Office of Victim Services: 1-800-247-8035. For the Hearing Impaired – TTY 1-888-289-9747.
- Crime Victim Center - 24 Hour Rape Crisis Hotline (631) 332-9234 (170 different languages) and 24 Hour Violent Crime and Hate Crime Hotline (631) 626-3156 (170 different languages).
- 1-800-LIFENET: Free professional help with an emotional crisis, substance abuse problems, and suicide counseling. Also online at Available 24 hours per day/7 days a week; 1-800-543-3638. (For NYC Only).
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800 273-8255.
- Housing Court Answers: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9am to 5pm 212-962-4795 (NYC only).
- Tenants’ Rights Telephone Hotline (NYC) Met Council on Housing: 1-212 979-0611. Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm to 8:00pm. Fridays 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
- LawNY Fair Housing Enforcement Project(FHEP): Hotline for housing discrimination complaints from anywhere in the 14-County LawNY service areas, see for counties. 1-866-671-FAIR (3247).
- Legal Aid Society of Rockland County, Inc. Helpline: Intake paralegal can provide basic information and brief service in landlord/tenant matters. The phone number is: 1-(800) 454-3627.
- Legal Aid Society of New York Homeless Rights Project Hotline: Homeless families with children and homeless single adults can call for information on emergency housing, public assistance benefits, special grants, and permanent housing relocation. Telephone intake every Tuesday from 10:00 am 12:00 pm. Emergencies at all times. 1-(800) 649-9125.
- Urban Justice Center Hotline for Homeless Youth: For homeless or street-involved young persons (under age 25) who live in New York City: Toll-free 1-877-LGBT-LAW. (1-877-542-8529).
- NY Attorney General Homeowners Protection Hotline for housing counseling and legal services. 855 466-3456
- Coalition for the Homeless Eviction Protection Hotline Only for people already in court with a signed stipulation. Call Wednesday at 9:30 for an appointment. 212-776-2039
- Bowery Resident's Committee Homeless Service Hotline. 24/7, NYC Only 212-533-5151.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA): Available for residents of New York City dial 311 or 1-212-NEW-YORK outside the five boroughs.
- New York State Division of Consumer Affairs: 1- (518) 474-8583 or 1- (800) 697-1220.
- Legal Services NYC Student Debt Legal Hotline: Available for NYC residents in English and Spanish. Call 1-718-237-5564 and leave your name and number on the hotline voice mail and an advocate will call you back in 48 hours.
- New Economy Project’s NYC Financial Justice Hotline: (212) 925-4929 (NYC only) Learn more here.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- New York State Office of New Americans Hotline: Monday - Friday, 8am to 6pm, 1-800-566-7636 (Statewide).
- Central American Legal Assistance(CALA): 24 hour statewide information line which explains how to apply for current special immigration programs (eg. the student DACA program), deadlines and general information in English and Spanish: 1-718-486-6800.
- Legal Aid Society Immigration Access to Benefits Helpline: 1-844-955-3425. Mondays and Fridays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
- Law Enforcement Support Center Detainee Hotline: Will assist contacting federal immigration authorities for detained persons who believe they may be victims of crime, and for U.S. citizens or residents being unlawfully detained. Toll free (855) 448- 6903, available 24/7. Translation services provided.
- Legal Aid Society’s Travel Advisory Hotline:Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, 1-888-284-2772.
- Immigrant Defense Project Hotline:for people or families of those facing in detention and/or facing deportation - Open; Tues & Thurs 2-4:30, call them at: 1-(212) 725-6422 (nationwide).
- Catholic Charities New York State (NYS) New Americans Hotline: 1-212-419-3737 or 1-800-566-7636 (Toll-free in NYS).
- Central American Refugee Center (CARECEN): Free counseling via telephone to low-income people on basic immigration matters for English and Spanish-speaking immigrants and their families. (516) 489-8330.
- LatinoJustice, PRLDEF: Legal advice and referrals in Spanish and English on housing, employment, immigration, discrimination, civil rights violations and hate crimes. 800-328-2322.
- Legal Aid Society Immigration Law Unit Hotline: Non-citizen New Yorkers detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Bergen, Monmouth, Hudson and Sussex County Jails in New Jersey and/or family members, may call for advice and possible legal representation. Detainees at other detention facilities and upstate New York prisons and/or their family members can call for advice only. Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:00p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Collect calls from detention facilities/prisons are accepted. (212) 577-3456.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- Office of the Attorney General Healthcare Bureau Helpline: 1-800-428-9071.
- Community Health Advocates Hotline: For questions about health insurance (Medicaid, Family Health Plus, Child Health Plus, Medicare, commercial insurance, the uninsured, etc) and health access. Also for help finding insurance, dispute insurance company denials, and help people with medical and hospital bills they can’t afford. Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. 888-614-5400.
- NY Medicaid Helpline: 1-800-541-2831.
- Medicare Rights Center: 1-800-333-4114 (Statewide).
- Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline: Information and support for people with memory loss, caregivers, health care professionals and the general public. Referrals to local community programs and services: 1-800-272-3900 or TDD 1-866-403-3073.
- NYS Office of Temporary Disability Assistance: Temporary Assistance Hotline: 1-800-342-3009. 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
- Legal Aid Society (NYC) Health hotline 888-663-6880. Tuesday 9:30am-12pm.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- Advocates for Children: Monday through Thursday, 10am to 4pm, call them at 866-427-6033, (NYC only).
- Student Loan Legal Assistance Hotline for Veterans - When you call, leave a message and you will get a call back. A Joint Project of NEDAP and South Brooklyn Legal Services. Call them at 718 237-5564 (NYC only).
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- LawNY Veterans Civil Legal Hotline: Help for veterans anywhere with any civil legal issue, in all languages, such as homelessness prevention, foreclosure assistance, disability benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, public benefits and referrals. Plus free civil legal services for veterans and their families in the LawNY fourteen county area. The number is 315-828-0758.
- Department of Veteran Affairs:1-877-222-VETS (8387) For Veterans Benefits information - 1-800-827-1000.
- 877-4AID-VET(424-3838) – 24/7 toll-free telephone number, staffed by trained professionals, to help homeless Veterans and their families. 1-877-424-3838.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- New York State Bar Association Disaster Legal Assistance Hotline: For people impacted by Hurricane Ida call 888-399-5459. Callers should say they are seeking storm or flooding related legal assistance, identify the county they live in, and be prepared to leave a phone number where they can be reached.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- New York Legal Assistance Group(NYLAG): (212) 584-3365 OR Email:
- Touro Law Center(Long Island): (631) 761-7198 OR Email:
- NYS Disaster Case Management Program: (855) 697-7263.
- NY Disaster Interfaith Services Case Management & Referral line: (855) 258 -0483.
- Disaster Case Management(DCM): 1-855-258-0483.
- FEMA's Helpline: Applicants may call 800-621-3362 (Voice, 7-1-1/Relay) or TTY 800-462-7585 to update contact information or other information or ask questions. 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT, seven days a week until further notice. Choose Option 2 for Spanish or Option 3 for other languages.
- US Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Outreach Center/Business Recovery Center: Information about low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters or businesses. To find the nearest center and for application status updates, call 800-659-2955 (TTY 800-877-8339).
- Governor Cuomo’s Disaster Homeownership Repair and Rebuilding Fund: can provide financial assistance with home repairs and other home issues. To see if you qualify call 1-855-NYS-SANDY hotline.
- has created a Housing Recovery Portal that allows individuals and families displaced from their homes to get information about housing. On this site, you can create an account to learn about short and long-term housing options. You can also call the Housing Recovery Desk at 212-863-5710 for more info.
- NY Department of Financial Services Storm Hotline: For help with banking and insurance problems as a result of Sandy. Their telephone number is 800 339-1759. Hours of Operation: Mon to Fri, 8am to 8pm; Sat and Sun, 10am to 5pm.
- Salvation Army: Aid for disaster victims, 1-800-SAL-ARMY.
- The Red Cross: Aid for disaster victims, 1-800-RED-CROSS.
- The Visiting Nurse Association and the Red Cross: Forpost-disaster distress symptoms for survivors. 718-888-6955.
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration: Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990.
- National Center for Disaster Fraud: Suspected fraudulent activity related to relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy victims should be reported toll-free to 866-720-5721. The hotline is staffed by live operators 24 /7 days a week, for reporting suspected scams being perpetrated by criminals in the aftermath of disasters.
- FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline: at 866-720-5721.
- Report Sandy Fraud in NYC by calling 3-1-1. Read more here:
- Sandy Disaster Case Management Referral Line, Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of NY. 855 258-0483. Leave a message and your call will be returned.
- Catholic Migration Services(CMS) Línea Laboral : Bilingual (Spanish-English) hotline to assist low-income immigrant workers. Trained counselors answer callers’ questions about employment rights, and document complaints about wage-hour violations, wage theft, and safety conditions. 877-52-LABOR (877-525-2267).
- Legal Aid Society Employment Law Project Hotline: For low-wage and immigrant workers, help with employment issues in federal and state courts, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Problems include: wage and hour violations, Family and Medical Leave Act, pensions, discrimination based upon criminal convictions, immigrant status, severance agreements, and employment-based health insurance and disability benefits. Call hotline and leave a brief message of legal problem and a telephone number. 1 (888) 218-6974. (NYC).
- Legal Aid Society Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Hotline: Free representation and advice to low-income taxpayers who have disputes with IRS or NYS Taxes. When you call, leave your name and a telephone number (where you can be reached between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m). (212) 426-3013.
- Legal Services NYC: Legal Services NYC Access Line serves low income residents of NYC and is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. Call 917-661-4500 to speak to an intake officer in any language. (Please note that Bronx Legal Services, Brooklyn Legal Services, Manhattan Legal Services, Queens Legal Services and Staten Island Legal Services are programs of Legal Services NYC.)
- Lawyers Alliance Hotline for Nonprofits:General information over the telephone on legal issues of importance to nonprofit staff and Board members, lawyers, regulators, and members of the general public. Call the Hotline at 1-(212) 219-1800 x 224 and leave a message with your nonprofit legal question. A staff member will return your call.
- Pro Bono Partnership, Inc. Legal Resource Helpline:Speak to a Partnership staff attorney for brief advice on not for profit legal questions: New York & FairfieldCounty, CT.1-914-328-0674; New Jersey, 1-973-240-6955; Connecticut (other than Fairfield County): 1-860-541-4951.
- Foreclosure Prevention Hotline: New York State Attorney General. 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM M-F. 855-HOME-456.
- Center for New York City Neighborhoods Helpline: 9 AM - 5 PM. M-F. 646-786-0888.
- Homeownership Preservation Foundation: Available 24/7. 888-995-HOPE.
Senior Legal Advice Helpline
FREE LEGAL HELP FOR NEW YORKERS 55+ : 1-844-481-0973 or
The Legal Advice Helpline is a free service provided by the Center for Elder Law & Justice, which provides answers to brief legal questions and referrals to other legal resources for individuals across New York State.
The helpline is staffed by attorneys and certified law student volunteers who will answer questions on a wide variety of legal issues, including consumer protection, health insurance, housing issues and more.
The Helpline is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 11:00am EST at 1-844-481-0973. You can also call and leave a message outside of those hours, and e-mail us at any time at A licensed attorney will respond to you within 3 business days
For more information, go to the Center for Elder Law & Justice.