Localidades Atendidas

Bronx County Kings County | Brooklyn New York County | Manhattan Queens County Richmond County | Staten Island

Quiénes Somos

The Cancer Advocacy Project provides cancer patients and survivors with no-cost legal information, advice, and brief services.

Our experienced volunteer attorneys:

  • prepare life-planning documents such as wills and advance medical and financial directives,
  • counsel clients on issues related to discrimination in the workplace, and
  • help challenge unjust treatment by health insurance companies.

The Cancer Advocacy Project does not see clients in their office and does not provide legal representation in court.

How to Get Help

We are offering remote services. Leave a message at (212) 382-4785 with your contact information and brief description of your legal issue, and your call will be returned within three business days. All intakes are done by phone. Please gather any relevant documentation and have it easily accessible.

¿Fue útil esta información?

Última revisión: November 25, 2020