Localidades Atendidas

Franklin County

Quiénes Somos

The Saint Regis Mohawk Office for the Aging Program is an organization of the tribal government whose intent is to provide services to the senior citizens of the Akwesasne service area. The Office for the Aging will serve those with the greatest economic and social needs. These needs include low income, frail and impaired elderly, the geographically and socially isolated, and the non-English speaking. It is our intent to improve the quality of life for our elders through fostering an environment of quality, dignity and pride. Programs/Services Supported by the Office for the Aging: Information and Referral Transportation, Escort, Shopping Assistance Case management Recreation and Health Promotion Caregiver Support Services Legal Services In-Home Care Outreach & Friendly Visiting Lifeline (Personal Emergency Response) Handyperson Service Exercise Program Respite

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Última revisión: March 31, 2019