Locations Served


Who We Are

The goal of Brooklyn A’s LITC is to represent and educate low-income taxpayers who cannot afford legal services and to advocate on their behalf. We represent taxpayers with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) controversies, and can also assist taxpayers that have an accompanying New York State tax issue. We also provide workshops to community groups who are low-income and/or speak English as a second language to inform them of their rights and responsibilities as taxpayers. Our LITC is managed by a Clinic Director who has over 10 years of experience practicing law in New York and New Jersey. The LITC does not provide tax preparation but we can refer you to a Volunteer Income Tax Preparation site. Case acceptance is based upon the amount of disputed tax, staff availability and case load and the taxpayer’s income eligibility.

How to Get Help

For an appointment call our office at (718) 487-2300 during our regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or e-mail us at info@bka.org.

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Last Reviewed: November 18, 2020