Locations Served

Bronx County Kings County | Brooklyn New York County | Manhattan Queens County Richmond County | Staten Island

Who We Are

The Veterans' Assistance Project provides pro bono assistance to veterans in connection with the filing of disability benefit claims before the New York Regional Office of the Department of Veteran Affairs. Veterans who have legal assistance filling out their initial benefits claims upon discharge are more likely to receive the benefits to which they are entitled, and are less likely to need to appeal in the future.

How to Get Help

At this time we are offering remote services. Please call 1 (877) 564-3383 Monday-Friday, 9:30am-5:30pm, for an initial intake done by phone. Eligible clients will be scheduled for one of the project's monthly legal clinics where an attorney will conduct a more thorough intake. Please have discharge papers (DD214) available.

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Last Reviewed: April 27, 2020