Locations Served


Who We Are

Family Legal Care's mission is to increase access to justice in New York State Family Court. Formerly known as LIFT, Family Legal Care combines legal guidance, easy-to-access technology, and compassionate support to help unrepresented parents and caregivers self-advocate on critical family law issues, while working on reform that improves the system for everyone. All Family Legal Care programs are free and open to everyone with questions regarding New York family law or Family Court matters. Family Legal Care serves over 25,000 people each year.

How to Get Help

Phone, Email & Live Chat Helpline: Our Helpline gives family law and court information by phone, email, and live chat. Contact us at 212-343-1122 (Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm EST) or visit familylegalcare.org/helpline. The Helpline accepts calls from New York State correctional facilities.

Legal Consultations: Our staff and pro bono attorneys provide unrepresented litigants with one-on-one legal advice, assistance in preparing court documents, and case strategy in child support, custody and visitation, parentage/paternity, guardianship, and domestic violence cases. Appointments can be scheduled through the Helpline.

Legal Resource Guides: Our library of more than 60 guides offers step-by-step guidance on New York Family Court and family law. Our guides are available in 9 languages and can be found at various courthouses or online at familylegalcare.org/guide.

Digital Justice Initiative: This Initiative addresses gaps in the Family Court’s online resources through user-friendly online tools, such as the Family Law Navigator and guided court forms, that enable litigants to navigate the court system on their own. Visit https://familylegalcare.org/digital-justice-inititiatve/ to learn more.


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Last Reviewed: June 16, 2023