Locations Served

Genesee County

Who We Are

The Genesee County Office for the Aging offers a variety of programs and services to all county residents who are age 60 and over and their caregivers. Long term care information and referrals are available for disabled persons of any age and their caregivers.

Some programs operated by the Office for the Aging include: Caregiver Counseling services offers appointments with caregivers (and their care receivers, if appropriate) to discuss long term care options, coping with caregiving needs, preparing for long term care, and to provide information about paying for long term care.

The Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program provides case management and non-medical in-home services such as housekeeping and personal care to serve elderly residents in Genesee County. The program is designed to help individuals eliminate or delay the need to enter a nursing home or other institution and to assist family members in the care of the elderly.

The Health Insurance Information Counseling & Assistance Program offers counseling in regards to the many types of insurance available such as employer, retiree, Medicare Savings Program benefits, and Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC).

The Legal Services for the Elderly Program of the Genesee County Office for the Aging offers consultations with a legal advisor on issues such as Medicaid eligibility, planning in the event of chronic care, preparing living wills and health care proxies, assigning a power of attorney, Landlord/Tenant Disputes, and Consumer Problems. Occasionally, legal consult to provide one time legal guidance may be available for other legal situations.

It is strongly recommended that you call for an appointment for us to review your individual situation. We want to ensure that the appropriate trained staff person will be available to assist you with your needs.

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Last Reviewed: February 24, 2018