Locations Served
Who We Are
NLS serves the civil legal needs of low income and disabled people in Western New York. We provide services in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming and Genesee Counties. NLS produces legal information for the pro bono attorneys, legal service workers, community agencies and clients. This information and valuable other information links can found on our website at WWW.NLS.ORG
Buffalo Office Information:
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
237 Main Street, 4th Floor
Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 847-0650 Fax: (716) 847-0227
Niagara Falls Office Information:
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
225 Old Falls Street, 3rd Floor
Niagara Falls, NY 14303
Phone: (716) 284-8831 Fax: (716) 284-8040
Batvia Office Information:
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
45 Main Street Batavia, New York 14020
Phone: (585) 343-5450 Fax: (585) 343-5503
We have New York State of Health, Health Insurance Navigators for residents of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genessee, Chautauqua, and Wyoming Counties. Our Navigation Services can be accessed by contacting the appropriate number according to your location:
For Erie and Chautauqua Counties: (716) 847-0650
For Niagara County: (716) 284-8831
For Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming Counties: (585) 343-5450
Neighborhood Legal Services (NLS) is available to help clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you need help, please call our offices at (716) 847-0650 for Erie and Niagara County residents or (585) 343-5450 for Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming County residents. Our reception staff will answer your calls and connect you with an NLS advocate. Please do not come to our office in person until further notice. Thank you.
Last Reviewed: June 29, 2017