Locations Served

Bronx County Kings County | Brooklyn New York County | Manhattan Queens County Richmond County | Staten Island

Who We Are

The NYC Financial Justice Hotline, operated by New Economy Project, provides free information, legal advice, and referrals to low-income NYC residents on a range of financial justice issues, including abusive debt collection; unfair bank practices; credit reports and tenant screening reports; prepaid debit cards and payroll cards; payday loans, check cashers, and pawn shops; and sending money home (remittances). 

The hotline does NOT provide information on bankruptcy, foreclosure prevention, small claims court cases, or debt consolidation.

New Economy Project's website features know-your-rights information on defending against creditor lawsuits, debt collection, credit reports, payday lending, and immigrants' banking rights. Visit neweconomynyc.org/type/know-your-rights.

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Last Reviewed: July 21, 2020