Locations Served

Orange County

Who We Are

Orange County Office for the Aging is committed to meeting the special service needs of Orange County's senior population, their families and friends who care for them. Orange County Office for the Aging offers services, either directly or through sub-contracts, designed to maintain the quality of life of those aged 60 and over.

Orange County Office for the Aging can assist individuals to access available services, entitlements and benefits, such as Home Delivered Meals, in-home personal care, Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC), Medicaid and Medicare.

Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) is a non-medical service program for elderly citizens. Persons aged 60 and over who do not qualify for Medicaid, who are in need of assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, shopping, meal preparation, money management or taking medication) and who meet standard assessment requirements, are eligible.

Services are provided to make the home environment safer for the older person in need, and may include a personal emergency response system. All EISEP services are under the supervision of a Case manager who assesses the needs of each potential participant during a home visit, develops a service plan, arranges for services, monitors the delivery of the services and evaluates the effectiveness of the services.

A contractual elder law attorney provides legal service to Orange County residents aged 60 and over. Service is limited to assistance with legal issues such as landlord/tenant disputes, consumer affairs, advanced directives, and housing issues.

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Last Reviewed: April 12, 2019