Locations Served

Saratoga County

Who We Are

The Saratoga County Office for the Aging provides programs and services for seniors throughout the County of Saratoga. Over the past three decades, the New York State Office for the Aging has developed a statewide network of local Offices for the Aging (Area Agencies on Aging) which plan, develop and support comprehensive in-home and community services. These services create opportunities for active older people and meet the needs of those at risk of losing their independence. In communities across New York State older people now have access to information and referral services, job and volunteer opportunities, senior center and day care center programs, transportation, congregate and home delivered meals, and homemaker and home health aide services. Older people also have legal services, nursing home ombudsmen services and counseling programs to assist them if they are abused, neglected or exploited. Our mission will not be completed until all older people have the opportunities and services needed to remain in their own homes and communities.

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Last Reviewed: November 13, 2023