Locations Served

Hamilton County Warren County

Who We Are

The Warren-Hamilton Counties Office for the Aging (OFA) is a bi-county governmental agency dedicated to maintaining seniors' independence and dignity. The OFA advocates for seniors and their families, providing support services, education and assistance in accessing available services. The Warren-Hamilton Counties Office for the Aging (OFA) provides advocacy, case management, Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly (EISEP), nutrition counseling and information, Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC), Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICPA), legal assistance, health promotion programs, residential repairs, transportation, Long Term Care Ombudsman, services for the blind and services for the hearing impaired. Legal assistance is provided to seniors age 60 and over who may have a legal problem which is non-fee generating. Examples would be landlord/tenant disputes, Social Security, SSI, Medicaid, and consumer fraud.

How to Get Help

Please call during regular business hours, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.:

  • For Warren County, call (518) 761-6347.
  • For Hamilton County, call (518) 352-7719.

Our office address is Human Services Building, 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845. Home visits are available if you are physically unable to travel.

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Last Reviewed: December 6, 2017