Locations Served

Wayne County

Who We Are

The Department of Aging and Youth is committed to serve the under-21 and over-60 residents of Wayne County. The Department's primary goals are to foster independence, mediate problems, and advocate for services to enhance the quality of life for old and young populations with allocated State, County and Federal funds in accordance to policies and guidelines.

Our agency serves as the link between seniors and the agencies that serve them.

Most programs/services are offered on a contribution basis. No service is denied because of inability or unwillingness to contribute. Some programs operate on a "cost share" basis, where the client pays a portion of the cost according to his/her income.

Types of services provided include: Case Management, Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP); Aide Service such as assistance with eating, bathing, and housework; Long Term Care Ombudsman; Long Term Care Counseling; Legal Services; Home Delivered Meals; and Nutrition Counseling.

Legal counseling and legal representation in civil law matters is available to seniors.

The Department of Aging and Youth contracts with Legal Assistance of Western New York for Wayne County residents over-60.

The Department of Aging and Youth makes referrals to the Wayne County Bar Association if necessary.

How to Get Help

Please call (315) 946-5624 or vist our office (1519 Nye Road, Suite 300, Lyons, NY 14489) Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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Last Reviewed: November 29, 2019