Locations Served

Wyoming County

Who We Are

The Wyoming County Office for the Aging is the local area agency on aging that offers a variety of services to county residents who are age 60 and over. The agency advocates on behalf of all older persons in the service area, identifies the needs of the elderly and creates plans for meeting those needs. Types of services provided include: Benefits Counseling; Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP); In Home Service; Health Insurance Counseling; Long Term Care Ombudsman; Legal Services; Home Delivered Meals; and Nutrition Counseling. Legal advisors are provided by Legal Services for the Elderly from Rochester, NY. Issues that may be discussed are: Medicaid eligibility, planning in the event of chronic care, preparing living wills and health care proxies, assigning a Power Of Attorney, landlord/tenant disputes, and consumer problems.

How to Get Help

Appointments are made through the Office for the Aging. Please call (585) 786-8833 or visit our office Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Home visits are available if you are physically unable to travel.

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Last Reviewed: August 28, 2017