In New York City, only 3 types of removals from class or school are allowed. While removed from class or suspended from school, your child must still be given education.

1. Teacher's Classroom Removals

A student who is very disruptive or interfering a lot in the classroom may be removed from class by the teacher. The student may be removed from the teacher’s class for 1 to 4 school days. The teacher must tell the principal of the removal the same day. The principal must make every effort to call the parent to tell the parent of the classroom removal that day, but no later than the next day, and give the parent a chance to meet to discuss the removal.

2. Principle's Suspensions

The principal may suspend a student from school for dangerous or disruptive behavior for 1 to 5 school days. The principal must give the parent written notice of the suspension before the student is removed from class. The principal also must hold a conference with the parent before the student is suspended. However, the student can be suspended before a conference if the student is a continuing danger to other students, staff, property, or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process.

3. Superintendent's Suspensions

For more serious behavior, the principal may ask the superintendent to suspend the student from school for 6 to 20 school days. In very limited situations, the principal may ask for approval to suspend the student for more than 20 school days. Written notice of the suspension must be given to the parent. A hearing must be held within 5 to 10 days of the suspension at a suspension hearing office.


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Last Reviewed: April 1, 2023