VA’s special programs for homeless Veterans serve hundreds of thousands of homeless and at-risk Veterans each year.

VA programs include:

  • Housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing. (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
  • Transitional housing and/or service centers for Veterans who are homeless. (State, local and tribal governments and nonprofits operated)
  • Residential care for sheltered and unsheltered Veterans with multiple challenges, illnesses or rehabilitative care needs. The goal is to foster Veterans’ independence and mutual support. (Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans (DCHV) Program)
  • Community Employment Coordinators (CECs) to help Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless with employment. (Homeless Veteran Community Employment Services (HVCES)
  • Transitional work and supported employment program to help homeless Veterans return to competitive employment. (Compensated Work Therapy (CWT)
  • Outreach, case management and residential treatment services to help Veterans transition from living on the street or in institutions to stable housing situations. (Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV).
  • Community-based outpatient clinics and Community Resource and Referral Centers at VA medical centers combine clinical care, social services, and community coordination for homeless Veterans. (Homeless Patient Aligned Care Teams (HPACTs) Program)
  • Dental treatment - the VA is working to expand dental care to all eligible Veterans. (Homeless Veterans Dental Program)
  • Help for justice-involved Veterans who have mental health or substance use issues to get VA clinical services. Specialists work with Veterans to ease their transition from prison back into the community. (Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) and Health Care for Reentry Veterans (HCRV) Programs)

Learn more about these programs below and at VA’s Programs for At-Risk Veterans and Their Families page.

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Last Reviewed: August 28, 2023