A tenants’ association is a union of all or most of the tenants in a building. When tenants work together, they can apply more pressure to make a landlord provide services, make repairs, stop harassment, and get the best possible home for the rent they’re paying. A strong tenants’ association can force a landlord to listen. As a group, the tenants can have more leverage to negotiate, file complaints with the city and state agencies that oversee housing, get help from elected officials, go to court, or call a rent strike.

Your landlord is not required to deal with your tenants’ association. In the beginning your landlord may ignore your group. Your power will come through your coordinated, collective action. For example, in New York City, when many tenants call 311 to complain about conditions, or file a case in housing court together, they can accomplish more.

Learn more about starting a tenant association at Met Council on Housing.

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Last Reviewed: June 15, 2023