The Social Security Administration (SSA) helps people who are blind or have low vision. Here's how the SSA can help you:

  1. Disability Benefits: If your visual impairment makes it too hard for you to work and earn enough income, you might qualify for benefits. 

  2. Compassionate Allowances: This program helps you get disability benefits faster. It is for people with certain medical conditions, including severe vision impairment. 

  3. Work Incentives: The SSA can help you work and be financially independent. The Ticket to Work program offers job support, vocational rehabilitation, and more, to help you get a job. 

  4. Rehabilitation Services: This includes helping you improve your skills, find better job opportunities, and overcome challenges.

  5. Accessible Communication: The SSA uses Braille, large print, audio recordings, and accessible electronic documents.

Benefits and eligibility depend on your situation. If you're blind or have low vision, contact the Social Security Administration to learn more.

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Last Reviewed: September 4, 2024