If you are an immigrant, you may still qualify for some public assistance benefits. It depends on your immigration status:

  • Lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, and others may be eligible for cash assistance programs such as Safety Net Assistance and Family Assistance.
  • For some "qualified" immigrants, their eligibilty also depends on when they arrived in the U.S. Qualified immigrants who arrived before August 22, 1996 can immediately access Family Assistance, while those who arrived after that date may need to wait for five years. Safety Net Assistance is available to qualified immigrants regardless of entry date.
  • Qualified immigrants and "PRUCOL" individuals can receive Medicaid, which provides healthcare coverage.
  • Emergency Medicaid is available to anyone in need of emergency medical treatment, regardless of immigration status.
  • Pregnant individuals, regardless of their immigration status, can access Prenatal Medicaid.
  • Some immigrants may qualify for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, commonly known as food stamps.

To find out if you qualify for public assistance, check the rules at the government agencies. Check with the Department of Social Services to confirm eligibility and understand the specific requirements for each benefit program.

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Last Reviewed: July 6, 2023