A default judgment means that a judge decided your case while you were not there, or if you did not answer any of the papers filed against you in court. You can ask the judge to "vacate" (cancel) the order against you. Visit the court website for information about good reasons for getting a judgment vacated. For example, maybe you did not get a notice about the hearing date, or you were sick or could not leave work.

This free DIY (do-it-yourself) form can help you make the request for the judge. Answer questions about your case in the online interview, and tell the judge why your case should be vacated. Deliver the request to the court and to the other party (the people against you) in the consumer debt case.  

Go to the court website to read about how to get ready to fill out the form or click Learn More button to go to the "Law Help Interactive" website and start the form interview. 

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Last Reviewed: November 27, 2024