New York State provides specific income tax information and benefits for military personnel and veterans. Here are some key points to know:

  1. Tax Exemptions: Military pay and benefits, including active duty pay, National Guard pay, and retirement pay, are generally exempt from New York State income tax. This means that you may not have to pay state income tax on these earnings.

  2. Combat Zone Benefits: If you served in a designated combat zone, you may be eligible for additional tax benefits. This includes the exclusion of combat pay from your taxable income and the ability to defer your state income tax liability during your time in the combat zone.

  3. Veterans' Benefits: Certain veterans' benefits, such as disability compensation, pensions, and grants, are also exempt from New York State income tax.

  4. Filing Options: Military personnel and veterans have various options for filing their state income tax returns. This includes the ability to file as a resident, nonresident, or part-year resident, depending on your specific circumstances and where you are stationed or reside.

  5. Veterans' Homeownership Credit: New York State offers a Veterans' Homeownership Credit, which provides a tax credit for eligible veterans who purchase a home in the state. This credit can help reduce your overall tax liability and make homeownership more affordable.

  6. Additional Resources: The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance provides detailed information and resources specifically for military personnel and veterans. These resources can help you understand your tax obligations, exemptions, and available benefits.

By taking advantage of the tax benefits and resources available to military personnel and veterans in New York State, you can ensure that you are fulfilling your tax obligations while maximizing your potential savings. Consult the official New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website or seek professional advice for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding your specific tax situation.

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Last Reviewed: May 19, 2023