Resident Bill of Rights

1. No one can interfere with your civil and religious rights. The home must support these rights.

2. You have the right to private communications.

3. You have the right to present complaints to the administration or facility staff, the Department of Health or others without fear of reprisal (punishment).

4. You have the right to join with others to work for improvements in resident care.

5. You have the right to manage your own money.

6. You have the right to privacy in your own room and personal needs.

7. You have the right to private treatment of personal, social, financial and health records.

8. You have the right to respectful care and to not be physically, mentally or emotionally abused or neglected.

9. You cannot be restrained or locked up.

10. You have the right to receive and send mail and other correspondence unopened and without interference.

11. You can leave and return to the facility and grounds at reasonable hours.

12. You cannot be forced to work. If you work, you must be paid.

13. Service providers cannot collect tips or gratuity for the services they owe you. 

14. If you have an incident or accident, you have the right to have your version of the story in the report.

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Last Reviewed: May 18, 2023