Your doctor has an important role in helping you qualify for SSI or SSD. When you ask your doctor for help with your disability application (SSI or SSD), make sure they have the information they need. 

Here are key tips for your doctor:

  1. Share Treatment Details: Discuss your medical history, treatment, and how long you've been under their care. It's crucial information.

  2. Explain Your Limitations: Be clear about the limitations in your daily life, including activities, social interactions, focus, persistence, and pace.

  3. Give Real-Life Examples: Instead of just listing symptoms, share specific examples of how your limitations affect your daily life and, in particular, your ability to work.

  4. Connect Symptoms to Work Limitations: Help your doctor understand how your symptoms and limitations make it impossible for you to work. This is important for your disability application.

  5. Consider Collaborating: If you have other healthcare providers, like caseworkers or social workers, suggest they collaborate with your doctor and follow the same guidelines when providing information.

Talk to your doctor about these tips, so they understand how to help you make a strong application. 

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Last Reviewed: October 12, 2023