If you missed your court date and the judge made a decision against you, the "Vacate Default Judgment" form asks the judge to cancel their decision.

Use this online form only if:

  • you live outside New York City
  • you have a judgment against you
  • in a landlord-tenant nonpayment or holdover case.

The online form asks questions. Your answers fill in the papers to:

  1. Tell the judge why you missed your court date and
  2. Ask to come back to court to explain why the judgment against you should be vacated (canceled). 

When you finish the online interview, print the two documents to give to the Court Clerk:

  1. an “Order to Show Cause,” and
  2. an “Affidavit in Support." 

To get started:

Click on the "Go to the Court Forms" button below. It will take you to another website, LawHelp Interactive, to fill out the forms. The online interview is free and it is approved by the New York State courts.

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Última revisión: September 20, 2023