Public housing is a government program with low or free rent. Public housing is usually for low-income families and owned by the government. Sometimes, tenants can buy the public housing they live in.

New York City’s public housing is owned and operated by NYCHA, the New York City Housing Authority. NYCHA also manages the Section 8 rental assistance program in New York City. NYCHA housing includes single and double-family homes, apartment units, singular floors, and shared small building units. More than 400,000 residents of New York City live in public housing and the waiting list has over 160,000 applications.

Who can apply?

If you want to apply for public housing in New York City, you must meet the following rules:

  • Immigration status: At least one person in the household is a U.S. citizen or has a legal immigrant status (e.g. permanent resident, refugee, or asylum status).
  • Age:
    • You are at least 18, or an "emancipated minor".
    • If you are applying with someone (a spouse or domestic partner), they must be 18 years old or an emancipated minor.
    • For senior public housing, you and everyone living with you must be at least 62 years old.
  • Family: 
    • you are two or more people related by blood, marriage, domestic partnership, adoption, guardianship, or court-awarded custody; or
    • you are a single person.
  • Your household income must also meet the following income limits. Click the link below for an article with more details.
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Last Reviewed: August 7, 2023