Senior citizens might be able to stop rent increases through a program called the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE).

If you're 62 years old or older, and your total household income is below a certain limit, you might be eligible.

You will need to fill out an application for SCRIE. This application will ask for information about your income and rent. 

If your application is approved:

  • You'll get an exemption from certain rent increases. This means that your rent won't go up beyond a certain amount even if your landlord wants to increase it.
  • The government will notify your landlord about it. Your landlord will be told that they can't raise your rent by more than the allowed amount.
  • You'll need to keep meeting the eligibility requirements to continue getting the rent increase exemption. This means your income should stay below the limit, and you need to reapply or recertify as required.

Visit NYC 311 to find more information about SCRIE and how to apply.

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Last Reviewed: August 31, 2023