This is a landing page for the Consumer Help Finder. Read more about the Consumer Help Finder here and then follow the links to complete the intake form online.

Western New York Consumer Help Finder



How can the Help Finder help me?

This Help Finder is designed to help people in Western New York with consumer debt problems. The system can:

  • Help you understand your legal problem
  • Guide you to free legal services and assistance
  • Help you find out if you are eligible for free legal assistance
  • Connect you to free legal services in your area
  • Connect you to a website with legal guides, hotline information and legal walk in clinics

Does everyone get a lawyer through this system?

No, we cannot guarantee that you will get a lawyer.

Many free legal services are available only to low income individuals.

Our system helps determine if you qualify. Income information you submit is kept confidential.

Even if you aren't eligible for free legal assistance, our system points you towards helpful guides, phone numbers and other information.

What will happen next?

Click on Get Started and we will ask you questions about the problems you are facing, what county you live in and how much you earn.

This interview will take anywhere between 5-10 minutes to complete.

Is it confidential?

Yes. We value your privacy. You can use this system anonymously.

If we refer you to an organization, we may ask for some contact information, such as your first name and a phone number or email address to reach you.

This information will allow the organization to contact you to see if they can assist you.

Who developed the Help Finder? 

This Help Finder was developed by three nonprofit legal aid programs in Western New York, including Legal Assistance of Western New York, Neighborhood Legal Services and the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, in partnership with Pro Bono Net and NeotaLogic.

The Help Finder and many resources linked from it were created with support from a Legal Services Corporation Technology Initiative Grant.

Looking for additional help with issues such as money, debt or consumer fraud?

Visit our Western New York Consumer Self-Help Tools to find forms, information and legal help.

Visit our New York City Consumer Self-Help Tools to find information for New York City residents.

Western New York Consumer Help Finder

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Last Reviewed: January 2, 2024