Social Security survivors benefits are provided to widows, widowers, and dependents of eligible workers. These benefits are important for families, especially those with young children. Survivors benefits are based on the earnings of the deceased worker.

To apply for survivors benefits, it is important to notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) immediately after your loved one's death. While reporting a death or applying for benefits cannot be done online, the funeral home can usually report the death to the SSA if provided with the deceased person's Social Security number.

To report a death or apply for benefits, you can call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. You can also find the phone number for your local Social Security office using the SSA's Office Locator.

If you are not currently receiving benefits, it is important to apply for survivors benefits promptly, as retroactive benefits may not be available in some cases. If you are already receiving benefits based on your spouse's or parent's record, you generally won't need to file a separate application for survivors benefits. The SSA will automatically change your benefits to survivors benefits upon receiving the report of death. They may also be able to pay a Special Lump-Sum Death Payment automatically.

However, if you are receiving retirement or disability benefits based on your own record, you will need to apply separately for survivors benefits. The SSA will then determine whether you are eligible for a higher benefit as a widow or widower.

When applying for survivors benefits, specific documents and information may be required depending on the type of benefit you are applying for, such as widows/widowers benefits, child's benefits, mother's or father's benefits, lump-sum death payment, or parent's benefits. If you don't have all the necessary documents, you can still apply, and the SSA can assist in obtaining the required information.

When mailing documents to the SSA, it is important to include the Social Security number on a separate sheet of paper and not write on the original documents.

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Last Reviewed: July 6, 2023