What are some reasons to file a grievance?

  • Your monthly rent is incorrect
  • You are being charged fees you don’t owe
  • NYCHA refuses to add or remove someone on your lease
  • Someone living with you has a disability and NYCHA won’t make the apartment accessible
  • You need repairs or services
  • A remaining family member wants to become head of household

What are the steps in a grievance?


Send a letter to the manager. Request a meeting. Write that you are filing a grievance. The manager should schedule a meeting with you. Bring any evidence. NYCHA will then send you a Grievance Summary, with the manager’s response. If you don’t receive a response or if you disagree go to Step 2.



Send a letter to the Borough Management Office within 10 days of receiving the summary or if you have not received a response. Request a review. Write the reason for the grievance and the solution you want. If you want an in-person meeting, write this. The Borough Management Office will send you a written decision.



Request a hearing within 10 days of the decision. Write the reasons for the grievance and the solutions you want. Give it to building management. NYCHA will schedule an appointment. Ask to look at your file and copy documents. You may have to do a FOIL request form to see your file. The Hearing Officer will then send a decision.

Visit HousingCourtAnswers.org for more.


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Last Reviewed: August 10, 2023