Who can live in your NYCHA apartment depends on who is moving in and for how long.

These are the rules:

Permanent: Someone who comes to live with you permanently must either be approved as a permanent member of your household or a co-tenant. A co-tenant signs the lease with you and has all of the same rights and responsibilities as you do. Either way, the person must be a family member or in a family-like relationship with you (see below). The person’s income will be considered for eligibility for public housing, and in calculating your rent.

Temporary: You can ask NYCHA to approve someone living with you temporarily for up to a year. This person does not need to be part of your family. Their income is not added to the household income. A temporary resident CANNOT stay in the apartment after you move out or die. Foster children and home-care attendants are special temporary residents whose stay can be more than one year. Remember: EITHER permanent or temporary residents require written NYCHA approval.

Birth or Adoption: If a child is born or adopted into your family, the child automatically becomes a member of your household; you do NOT need NYCHA approval. However, you should notify NYCHA, and your family size will increase (NYCHA may even put you on the list for a larger apartment).

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Last Reviewed: August 8, 2023